Sunday, March 3, 2024

"Thou Dost Protest Too Much"

Gender criticals have a problem in that they are trying to speak out against "gender ideology" when at the ground floor people continue to transition. Some may err but most will not and the haters would like nothing better than for those people to just go away. Of course they won't and the criticals must be stumped as to what to do with them; perhaps put them out to sea on a massive raft.

Feigning genuine concern for the welfare of young people isn't fooling anyone. The transphobes are in with their hate while the parents and loved ones of transgender people aren't buying.  Hence YouTube videos with flashy titles exclaiming that there are only two sexes are only working among a committed fan base which froths at the mouth at their every pronouncement.

When critics obsess too much over a subject they tip their hand especially when the rhetoric isn't justified for a tiny 1% of the population. There are US States which will set up transgender athlete bans and yet there are none competing there which shows the level of stupidity one is dealing with on this issue.

The frightfully stupid may not be in the majority but what they lack in number they make up for in sheer vociferousness.

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