Saturday, April 6, 2024

Against the current

Introspective blogs fascinate me the most. 

People with major life issues (whether gender or other) need to work on them over a lifetime. As we age we fine tune our perspective on what it means to be different and how to live within a society full of the fearful. The thought processes they go through mirror my own though sometimes at a different stage.

I know I can come off as blunt but that is because I eventually tired of apologetic and submissive tonality regarding belonging to a minority. When I read some people's narratives that I relate to I want to help them and in so doing help myself to be more charitable by recalling how hard it is to be human sometimes.

There have been more times than I can count when I wished I had not been born different and yet today I wouldn't have it any other way. For working against the current is perhaps the best way to develop resolve which helps us in all facets of life.

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