Saturday, April 6, 2024

Like a house of cards

Homelessness is getting worse everywhere. It certainly in my city and it is even worse in major US cities. As the fabric of society breaks down we are seeing the results of financial and cultural problems which will take many years to solve.

The old capitalist model isn't working because if it were there wouldn't be an increasing amount of wealth held in fewer pockets. You can criticize socialism all you want but the happiest countries being the most fair handed isn't an accident. Nordic European nations aren't perfect but their balancing act is seeing far less wage disparity and less miserable citizenry.

The economic problems are helping to feed the mental health issues we face. The more people lose their livelihoods the more despondent they become. By getting rid of much blue collar work, North America has seen an increase in financial woes for many people while a small minority has reaped the benefits of outsourcing.

The core problem we have is that societies don't function when significant percentages of the population fall into despair and,  while some seem content to live in bubbles, this is all going to come down like a house of cards eventually.

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