Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Dealing with an irritant

Dealing with gender dysphoria does not make your life perfect but it helps dispose of (or at least mitigate) an irritant. If you are meant to live this way you will still need to once any novelty wears off and thoughts of going back to a previous life are no longer entertained. This is how you know.

It is why I have always said that being transgender isn't fun and if anything has made my life much more complex than it need have been. It is a reality to be dealt with which can indeed bring joy once things more align. I would be remiss in not admitting that I do enjoy being treated as and seen as a female by society I suspect because it feeds an existential and primordial need dating back to earliest memory.

When we first discover ourselves there can be a type of honeymoon phase to burn off which is particularly pronounced if we have been suppressing or only partly indulging instinct for years. Once that part is over, real life sets in with the same types of problems still there. The only difference is that you feel better and more authentic in your skin in dealing with them.

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