Saturday, April 13, 2024

Everything weighs the same

One of the more unfortunate qualities of humans is their zeal to weigh in on and criticize something they have no experience with. Today's age of social media opens the field up for everyone to add their 2 cents to issues where they have exactly zero relatability. Many will gratuitously lap up the opinions of others because they love to have their prejudices confirmed.

The best decision I ever made was to walk away from social media because its original intent of bringing people together has achieved exactly the opposite. It has become a breeding ground and primary vehicle for division and for belittling those who disagree with you.

My greatest fears about humans have been confirmed during this age where unfounded opinion is equivalent to fact. It does not matter whether you are speaking truth but more how you package your messaging.

Therefore not only do I not want to see photos of people's lunches, I especially don't want to see misinformed pronouncements stated as fact.

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