Monday, April 22, 2024

Here it comes

After the start of the proliferation of the internet in the early 1990's, the next huge inflection point of my lifetime will be the release of AI and how it impacts society. Already it's unveiling is raising eyebrows and unnerving with the speed of its progress. It is likely going to challenge livelihoods and productivity in ways we do not yet know.

Yesterday I went to Haiper and typed in a text description which generated an animated image 4 seconds in duration which I could then download. What surprised me was its quality and how I could keep generating alternatives based on the same theme. YouTube is suddenly now full of GenZ content creators explaining in consumate detail how to doctor and fine tune those animations with other software.

I then recalled my very first clunky desktop work computer. It's floppy disk and amber monitor now worthy of museum exposition, encourages my son who is completing his software engineering studies to gently smirk. The extent of my late 1980's toolkit was a wonder then but little did I know how fast things would change by the time I retired.

Since then it's been nothing short of exponential and my daughter is retraining herself in part because of the uncertainty of the climate.

Let's buckle in shall we?

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