Thursday, April 25, 2024

Le fil conducteur

What we need and should desire is balance which impacts everything. Every aspect of our lives is related such that a weak link somewhere will affect other areas. For example when we are stressed it affects our sleep which then affects our ability to operate in the world with others.

Finding the weakest link in our lives and dealing with it will have significant positive effects that work like a domino chain. Ignoring that weak link we do at our own peril and what we often do is mask the problem with distractions that avoid rather than address.

As I've aged I have been able to trace the common thread (le fil conducteur as we say in French) for what most impacted me in my life and the ways I found to circumvent rather than attack the issue directly. My dysphoria is the most obvious example but there have been others.

Humans use obfuscation such as overeating, consuming en masse or other ways to avoid staring directly at issues because of fear that their lives will fall like a house of cards when the truth is exactly the opposite.

Dealing directly with issues will invariably yield numerous positive effects which will be felt in all areas of our lives.

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