Sunday, April 21, 2024

Who knew

You can probably tell from my writing tone that I still have some frustration to burn off and indeed I do. Living the way I did for years forces you into a level of tension which working and raising kids puts off addressing. Once you retire however, there is no place to run.

I keep calling this process a cleanup which it is but it is more involved than that term would suggest. It includes the release of anger, frustration and disappointment at what the world forces people to do. I don't fear people but instead feel a combination of disgust, pity, empathy or love depending on who I am dealing with. All the while I tend to remnants of psychological impact for having been forced to adapt to fit in at all costs.

I'm getting there with lots of patience and increasing kindness for the self when I falter here and there. Turns out that we are all less than perfect.

Who knew.

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