Wednesday, May 15, 2024


The longer we've lived the more holes there are to patch. Yes, we have gained experience but life has also handed us some challenges which have left some damage. As a result the psychology may need a little more nursing.

Judging by the amount of YouTube channels dedicated to trauma and self-help we are hardly alone in the need to deal with issues some of which may have been left to fester for decades. The innocence now gone, we see life for what it is; its obvious and glaring warts no longer rationalized away.

Here we can become despondent if we aren't careful and more friendly with cynicism than is warranted or healthy. So we work that back as best we can by having factored in the imperfections in everything as part of the natural order of things. They are not all fixable.

Having more time to think is both good and bad, so once again, there is that dogged imperfection.

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