Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Mission almost accomplished

I was speaking with Jack Molay yesterday on Whattsapp and we noted how much his mission to destigmatize the transgender experience for most of us has been accomplished. His posts back in the early 2010's sometimes received upwards of 60 comments (many of them steeped in angst) and now there is a handful and most of them observations. This is wonderful news.

We are almost the same age and hence received the same restrictive and caustic messaging which did not allow us to diverge from a preset script written for us in advance.

The challenge now lies mostly outside in the world of the gender criticals who are doing their best to throw things at the wall hoping it sticks. The most vocal don't care if their points are couched in reality for they just need to convince a still largely ignorant public that is increasingly disinterested in their hatred as they get younger.

Living openly and freely without fear of reprisal is the goal and we are getting there.

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