Saturday, June 29, 2024


Who we are has nothing to do with externals and everything to do with an internal sense of self. Understanding who that person is involves removing layers of useless programming which works against our aim as one does old wallpaper.

Authenticity is very difficult to fake and when a person is being genuine it will shine through because it is effortless. Conversely, someone who is fake is eventually detectable because putting up a front takes incredible effort. They may think they are doing a great job but a great many people will not be fooled. Authenticity is not a garb one puts on but is instead a reflection of core identity.

The journey of every human should be to embrace their authenticity and to become truly themselves. Towards that end, secrecy has no place because it is directly opposed to our goal.

Genuine people are those I am most drawn to and I know I am not the only one.

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