Saturday, June 8, 2024


With 20/20 hindsight it's easy to play Monday morning quarterback. In the US disgruntled conservatives are demonizing Anthony Fauci for what they say is going by the seat of his pants on closures, masks and social distancing during the pandemic but then what do you do when millions around the world are dying?

My first thought is that caution is the better part of valor and you do what makes sense in an environment where the stupidest among us were saying we ignore the "China virus" and go about our business.

You have an airborne contagion the world has never seen before and you adjust day to day with the best tactics your training has given you. I can imagine the raging volcano inside Dr. Fauci as he was being grilled by the terminally stupid Marjorie Taylor Greene who gets her science on Facebook. This kind of brain dead isn't at all fixable particularly when you are too dense to realize your own shortcomings and you are a poster child for Dunning-Kruger.

Then you have the likes of retired nurse John Campbell who cherry picks all the worst outcomes from the vaccines (which were tiny by proportion) as proof that we should have thought twice about administering them. Never mind his credentials in immunology are scarce to none. But at least his channel got huge numbers from the conspiracy faithful.

Good grief.

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