Sunday, July 28, 2024

Half full

I am trying to see the glass as being half full when the world is experiencing so much social decay. This morning I saw Natalie who has Crohn's disease and is worried her rent will go up beyond her affordability. On the streets I frequent  there are people desperate for help and not enough resources or willingness to help them.

The old capitalism model is falling apart and because of it we are headed for massive change driven largely by the dissatisfaction at the lower rungs of society. As the top earners fiddle away in obtuseness, Rome burns around them.

As partial consolation I tell myself that upheaval is part of the human equation except that today we have the capacity to do much more damage to ourselves on a grand scale. We certainly aren't any smarter and when I see close elections featuring complete morons who are mistaken for messiahs, it does little to inspire my confidence.

Yes, there are more reasonable people out there than unreasonable ones, but regrettably only by razor thin margins.

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