Sunday, July 21, 2024

In spades

There is an overabundance of content on YouTube on hypergamy which is the concept of trying to date upwards. In other words, women will go for the top 20% of men and ignore the rest which has helped feed the MGTOW movement (men go their own way).

It's fascinating to watch because there is a plethora of videos from each sex complaining about the other. Women gripe that they aren't being chased while men insist that women are too fickle and marriage isn't worth their while especially when they try so hard to only see divorce have them pay the lion share of the bill.

As someone who grew up under the old system we fared only slightly better due to women's economic needs serving as glue to keep together marriages that might have otherwise failed. Add to that religious and social pressure and you could see how divorce was seen as a character failing whereas today that stigma is largely gone.

This is not going to be easily fixable as it forms part of a current and massive cultural shift which will take time to sort out. In the meantime intelligent people will still manage ways to find each other organically while the rest fumble their way through dating apps that herald the worst instincts of human artificially and stupidity in spades.

I observe all this through a more dispassionate lens than ever because I understand the basic psychology behind it all even as it does not bring me any joy to see so many miss the mark.

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