Tuesday, July 23, 2024


With Kamala Harris now the presumptive Democratic nominee, things look very different for Trump. Suddenly he is the old candidate babbling uncontrollably about batteries, sharks and water pressure while she is the smart and well-spoken prosecutor who habitually put career criminals like him away. Certainly the woman's vote will only be more secured with the added urgency of protecting reproductive rights and a smart woman leading the charge.

The GOP now looks like the tired and bitter party trying to take country backwards into fear and hatred and suddenly overnight their chances appear lessened. FOX News could only focus on Harris's laugh which shows what an embarrassment Murdoch's propaganda network is. Grasping at straws, they have now lost their leading argument for voting against Biden who they were selling as being senile and unfit for the job. Never mind that their preferred candidate is a slurring moron.

If the tide turns it is because Biden selflessly turned the reins to his VP just after a clown show of a GOP convention where the highlight may have been Hulk Hogan ripping off his T-shirt. If you had told me in my twenties that political theater would have sunk to this level I would not have believed you.

However, over the years, I was eventually cured of my illusions regarding the potential depths of human stupidity.

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