Sunday, July 14, 2024

Why you will marry the wrong person

Roughly six months after her breakup my daughter just started to date a new person. He is the same age (a few months older) and she confided that this time she felt a more piercing arrow than with her previous boyfriend upon first meeting.

I am old enough to know that this selection is a crap shoot with more variables than you can count especially given how young we often are when we make it. Therefore I do not counsel her other than to use as broad a criteria process as possible knowing that the perfect soul mate does not exist and that one pours a liberal dose of water into their wine once the initial courtship pheromones are depleted.

Years ago I posted British author Alain de Botton's brilliant talk on why this process can be so frought with challenge and, then as I do now, consider it almost essential viewing for anyone with any delusions about the nature of couplehood.

Without giving away the ending, I will just say that the term "good enough" should never stray too far from our lips.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I hope your days going well, I was wondering if you would share my campaign to people, Its for my non-profit called tobefree it to help build and lift up marginalized voices specifically the trans community and neurodivergent people If you you want to know more you can go to, (this is my campaign)- jayce odufuwa


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