Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Yes, this Donahue show is a little dated but the archetypes of gender variance are still very much valid. Here they use the terms transvestites, female impersonators, transsexuals and hermaphrodites. Some of the commentary is rude but reflects the ignorance by the public at that time.

I was 27 then and very much in denial...


  1. During this time, I was deeply closeted, having come out of a diligent suppression three or four years earlier. I would search the weekly TV listings for shows like this (including Sally, Oprah, Geraldo, and even local programs), and then secretly set the VCR to record them. This particular show, which I do remember watching, was better than most, as it was not quite as sensualized and sensationalized. I identified more with the "transexual" than the cross dresser or the female impersonator - even though I was basically only cross dressing to temper my dysphoria, and I could have very well turned to the entertainment schtick (but it would have been just that for me).

    I'm not sure that the commentary would be much less rude today. Nor do I believe that many people are any less ignorant. The questions from the audience were more out of curiosity, it seems, while many of today's questions would certainly be motivated by ill-informed notions and hatred.

    1. Actually you make an excellent point Connie. Much of the questioning is ignorant but not hateful whereas today you might get more poison from the usual suspects on the right. Good catch.
      I do like the earnest responses here from all and really love Eve's confidence who knows exactly who she is and stays very composed. Must not have been easy for her back then although she did have the accepting family which no doubt strengthened her resolve.
      I too was very much closeted and deeply in denial and hoping my feelings would go away and we all know how that turned out.

    2. And yes I more identify with Eve as well

  2. RIP Donahue. His shows were some of the first that exposed me to gender variant people. He handled it with such class. Much more so than the other shows. I was so deep in the closet during this time. But these shows fascinated me. It is amazing how the knowledge base has evolved from the 80's to today. Thank you Donahue for giving gender variant people a voice during that time and for showing representation.


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