Monday, August 26, 2024

How to sleep more soundly

One of the great things about being my age is that you get to a place where you don't care about what anyone thinks of you. You leave behind all needless opinions from people who know nothing about you and you find your center as a person.

By now we know all too well that the world is full of idiots and if you are affected in any way by their pronouncements, we know we need to work on our internal fortitude.

People have all kinds of ideas about how others should live but I propose to you that only you know what is best for you and no one else. If you are looking for internal joy, peace and contentment then you should strive for the things that get you there which includes blocking out advice which counters that goal.

Many people in this world are deeply fearful and insecure and live via comparison and outside validation. This is a hideous mistake plus many do not educate themselves on subjects before they announce their opinions on them which is unfortunate.

Where I am now in life is a place where I have distanced myself from expending needless energy on things that don't matter which includes people that don't matter. If we choose a path that improves our well being then that is what is important because we will not only benefit ourselves but so will others we interact with.

At this age we also tend to recognize much more quickly which people bring value, richness and kindness into our lives and it is they we should strive to hold onto the most.

After all, this is the age of the social media idiot and if we always keep that in mind we will sleep far more soundly at night.

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