Friday, August 23, 2024

Instant connectivity

Increasingly on YouTube there is content about people unplugging from social media; this for all ages. It had become a negative distraction which was harming them and they decided to delete their presence. I did this in 2011.

It can become a habit forming drug which drains away our time looking at mindless drivel which we can't seem to look away from. When you belong to a large family as I do, it can only be more tempting to see the trivialities of what people are up to.

Studies have shown that people tend to get more depressed about their own lives when they see others on the beach in Mexico or those pictures of that new bundle of joy. There is too much information too quickly for us to process especially when our own lives may not be in an optimum state. In the past our brains would not be so taxed in this manner.

Social media's danger did not become apparent until after it was well ensconced into the social fabric. The impacts on the collective conciouness were not yet obvious in our giddiness at the thought of instant connectivity.

Boy did we learn.

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