Thursday, August 1, 2024

The cracked egg

I've never felt better in my own skin and living authentically has surpassed my expectations. I think what helped was keeping my demands as minimalist as possible and settle for slow and organic victories where I could get them.

One of the errors I see with some older transgender people is that their egg cracks (or they hit the wall) and suddenly everything must be done overnight. The heavy psychology which is required falls victim to the rush to live their desired life as soon as possible.

I have seen video of frustrated 'trans widows' bemoan that their husband dropped them like hot potatoes to a pink fog which consumed their psychology when they might have thought the better route was patient reflection before acting and dealing with their present reality and life choices they made. While I can relate to people who waited to be truly themselves, I did not begin in earnest until I was well into my fifties and even today things are being refined because it is a journey and not a destination.

The older we are, the more psychology and patience are required.

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Brick wall

This is what you are up against with MAGA...