Saturday, August 24, 2024


I recently came out to a group of three women when I didn't need to but it felt so good. The girls at the public market cafe I frequent had talked about a Sunday breakfast in September. I have become a bit of a mother figure to them as they are ages 46, 28 and 19. They are all so sweet and genuine and I felt they would be very receptive if I shared this important aspect of myself.

Sure enough, they were extremely touched and they confirmed that my trust had been well placed. People care about who we are on the inside much more than anything else and they were so grateful that I trusted them with this information.

I used to be so worried about rejection that if people assumed I was a genetic female I considered it a great blessing. Of course I don't walk around with a badge on my forehead announcing I am transgender, but if someone should ask I would readily admit it. It feels rather cathartic to be so open and it is my way of increasing visibility.

So far my trust in people has been very much rewarded.

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