Monday, September 2, 2024

"I'm lonely"

That was the title of a recent video I watched.

Loneliness has always been part of the human condition but it has never been this transparent or glaring as it is now. I see content from young people especially who need connection at the most crucial part of their lives for the world in its current incarnation confuses them and rightfully so.

Social media is a nightmare of inauthenticity, posturing and stupidity and what people want most it cannot provide. To speak directly to a human being and share of ourselves is what we long for but we are slowly losing our capacity to do so. We are forgetting how it used to be done.

There is so much about the openness and the tolerance of today that I love and yet I would want to reach back into the past and bring back some of that organic feel we somehow left behind; when things were just a little slower and we had less technological power at the fingertips to share every single first thought that comes into our head which so often gets lost in the void with all the others.

The antidote for loneliness isn't about looking for a crowd but instead about an honest vulnerability and kindness which people can read and feel. Something which is best conveyed face to face and not over a screen.

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