Monday, September 9, 2024

Interesting podcast

Some males seem to be trapped into thinking they are AGP (which is really just Blanchard's re-naming of transvestic fetishism which he accused all woman-loving transsexuals of having). Anyway these men sometimes end up in podcasts telling the host that they have an incurable disease which they are anxious about which technically makes them fall into the category of a paraphilia. If you are happy with your gender variance you have nothing to worry about since it is not causing you distress but for these men it is seen as a problem. I think it is because they don't feel they possess a feminine essence but rather an incurable fetish. This is entirely possible.

Now I have covered Blanchard at length many times before and where he goes wrong with his assumptions and so I won't do so here, but in the comments section of the podcast I was watching I found this very interesting if slightly convoluted comment by a genetic female who was trying to understand this whole AGP business:

"As a cis woman who is aroused by her own femaleness, you being aroused at your maleness as with respect to your intimate relationship with your wife as males live their maleness. I do not understand. If a person sees themselves as a woman, and, not only a woman, but an attractive woman how is that wrong? If a woman is born female and grows and develops a sexually attractive social space they are ok? Or that's different? I am really confused how this word is being used against a person who wants to transition and excited by the idea that they will achieve attractiveness. If you were kidnapped and turned into a woman would you feel you were attractive?"

What she describes is that indeed some women are aroused by their own bodies which is not that surprising and what she was trying to do was help this fellow understand that, in her view, his attraction to being female need not be seen as a problem.

Anyway it was very interesting that she showed up to comment.

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