Wednesday, September 4, 2024

We all have something

Author and motivational speaker Simon Sinek was on the "Diary of a CEO" podcast about a year ago and said he was struggling with loneliness. He personally knew hundreds of people including many who were top tier heads of companies and organizations but when he would go home after a busy day he felt lonely.

Sinek does not talk about mental health but instead about mental fitness; the idea that we are a constant work in progress and that we sometimes need to sit in the mud and, if not wallow in it, then at least allow for that process to run its course and not fight it. We are complex creatures with constant ups and downs.

He talked about finding ourselves in being present for others and being good listeners. To not offer quick responses or solutions bit simply be present when they need to express where they are in life and why they feel stuck.

He suffers from ADHD and was diagnosed well into adulthood which forced him to develop strategies prior (much like those of us who suffer dysphoria do). He ended up understanding why his situation had affected his ability to form romantic relationships and why at 49 he had never married but was still hopeful.

We all have something.

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