Monday, October 7, 2024

A stand up person

Kimberly Beregrove had a tough dilemma. She is deeply religious but also transsexual. She has struggled mightily over the last few years to keep her family together while reconciling her faith to her primordial need to lead an honest life. She has tried to make sense of why she was made this way and how it contradicts with what many Christians erroneously believe is a concious choice. 

Her YouTube story resonated with me because I used to be her in that fervent Catholicism helped to block my vision. I moved on from orthodoxy but she has not instead preferring to find an answer within the scriptures even as she plows ahead with transition she feels she has no choice but to undertake. If her wife and children are still there it is no doubt that it is in large part because she is a stand up person.

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