Friday, October 4, 2024

Better than ever

Males without gender dysphoria but who desire freedom of expression should simply liberate themselves which is what is slowly happening. Young men with nail polish, unisex clothing and makeup are seen everyday. This could include dressing fully as females under the right situations which has had a massive reduction in stigma over my lifetime. 

According to the latest surveys, genetic females under 25 are more likely than ever to accept a gender variant partner. 

Today we are in danger of mixing up all gender variance in one bowl under the moniker trans which sees some people undertake transition only to then realize they just wanted to escape the chains of convention and create their own gender expression recipe. 

Even if the transition regret rate is very low when people follow the right guidelines and therapy, I am seeing more of these regret videos than ever especially among youth who followed a more uneven approach. 

If there is no disconnect with birth sex or even if it is only mild, there are other avenues which are often best explored.

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