Sunday, October 13, 2024


About five years ago Cate McGregor was named one of the notable women of Australia; an honor she was very sheepish about accepting. The now 68 year old ex-military officer calls herself simply a transsexual and was surprised to be included in such select company. 

McGregor is a transmedicalist who has trouble with extremism within trans activism. She was raised conservative and her path to transition consisted of resisting until you can resist no more which, as someone from her generation, I viscerally and personally relate to. 

She is not alone of course and some willingly or inadvertently feed into gender critical ideas of discrediting gender variance as conspiracy to violate women in restrooms or indoctrinating children. Her participation in a cricket Australia board resulted in her quitting over the idea of simple identification to play in women's cricket. 

So here we are at the crux of the issue with plenty of bad faith actors in the mix as well as wishful thinkers who seem to not understand the power behind the politics of sex and gender. 

I often find myself disagreeing with many within this sphere because in the end it should fall to a pragmatism and intelligence of common sense colored with empathy which are not always included in the discourse.

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