Saturday, October 12, 2024

I know who I am

I was in a full metro car the other day standing up when a gentleman sitting next to his wife noticed me and offered me his seat. He was so kind I first resisted but he insisted and so I gracefully accepted. 

It feels strange still sometimes having doors held open for me from time to time and I appreciate it as affirmation. I never take it for granted. This process is slow and organic and mostly about accepting who you are which is about stopping the suppression of instincts that were there from earliest memory. 

I have thought about how early some of us begin to express gender variance and yet the end result is never guaranteed. Some who begin later go on to transition while others are happy or at least resign themselves to part time. 

That brunch with my mother and neighbor today wasn't perfect but was more than fine mostly because of where my headspace is at. 

I know who I am.

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Night after night