Wednesday, October 9, 2024


The world is a mess but then it's always been. The difference is that everyone has a platform now and we can all the good and the bad in all its glory. What used to lie dormant is now front row center. 

I have been using YouTube as a lab experiment even if it doesn't truly represent society perfectly. What it does show is that you can find what you want and need in society but you should be wary of cults, movements and group think. You should think for yourself because anyone can start a channel, say anything they want and establish even a small following. 

You can find anything in the world which is why the onus is on you to find your own way in it. We take in information, we examine it and then come to some consensus in our mind only to then revisit it at some point down the line. We are ever changing and evolving which is the product of growth as we learn more about ourselves and our surroundings. 

I have never more appreciated the value of being a free thinker.

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I abhor agendas especially when there is malevolence behind them. When we simply want to help people it becomes transparent just as much as ...