Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Sexual power

Some detransitioners make video content talking about AGP. There isn't always a conclusion about it only that they want to question it and the issue of arousal altogether. The key is about whether the arousal is a symptom of a desire or whether the arousal causes them to transition. Might some people transition for sexual reasons and later regret it? Almost undoubtedly and Ray Williams is certain it was the case for him.

I sometimes chime in saying that Blanchard's renaming of transvestic fetishism didn't accomplish anything other than create an illness he could then sell while the motivations of his patients remained considerably more complex. 

It's easier to second guess yourself when your transition didn't work for you. Something which led you to hormones and in some cases surgery you now regret, is put under the microscope and examined in a whole new light even if youth has a much saner and less repressed view of sexuality that Blanchard himself did not grow up with.

However, the statistics point to mostly successful transitions which contradicts the idea of illness driving them. That they don't work for everyone shouldn't surprise. Cross gender arousal most certainly exists and I have come to the conclusion over the years that it is multi-faceted. Yes it is steeped in desire to be female but also about having the wrong fuel in one's system. In addition it cannot be denied that sexual power lies primarily within females in society. Hence feminine energy takes on a powerful aura that cannot be denied and one which masculine energy lacks. 

I wasn't a sexual creature at age 4 at least not consciously and yet my identity has never left me. I pushed forward in spite of sometimes experiencing arousal which is now largely gone while the identification never did. If anything it is stronger than it has ever been. 

If occasional arousal was primarily pushing me towards medical transition, I would have already done so years ago.


  1. I think a very confusing problem within this topic is how "arousal" and "gender euphoria" are processed in the brain. And that leads to confusion. If one is contemplating they are/aren't gender variant, they need to think about how they feel at all times of the day, when they are dressed or not dressed. Ask, how do I feel? This needs to be a rigorous process over a lengthy time period to collect data.

    Sometimes I think the "arousal/Detrans" people move too fast in this space and don't collect enough data.

    Over time, one might be able to better distinguish what is arousal and what is gender euphoria and that can help make a more informed decision. Just my 2 cents.

    1. I think we need to be careful as euphoria and arousal are related in that one follows the other. You are euphoric and thus can experience arousal. If there is no disconnect with birth sex one can leave it at that and simply find a formula that works for you but in this environment we can get confused and think we need to go further which is what Ray Williams did and now seems hell bent on generalizing his experience.

      If dysphoria is also present the need to address that dissonance may require more such as social or medical transition which can be discovered through our introspection process and supplemented with gender therapy.


All respectful comments are welcome :)

Blanket statements

I made a comment on a detransitioner video about how each case is different and what works for some is not the case for all. She was trying ...