Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Where we are

Yesterday afternoon I had a call with Jack Molay where I conveyed some of my current concerns regarding the situation for transgender and all gender variant people in general. 

In my time we had a buffer. It was fear of family loss, job loss and societal rejection which kept most of us largely immobile. Today those things still exist but with much less intensity and youth are less risk averse. For example there is a young transgender woman working in my old office and the new company insurance coverage of $15k for gender affirming care are things I could scarcely have dreamt of seeing 20 years ago. 

Nevertheless in some cases we risk losing the plot because some people are overshooting thinking there is only one way to be transgender. These cases are not the majority but they are becoming more prevalent and leading directly into the hands of gender criticals as proof of the folly of what they term "transgender ideology". These people are not bright but they are highly motivated.

The model of the perfect human binary is pure hogwash as witnessed by all the variances elsewhere with organic processes, but that means nothing to thick-headed religious zealots or simple minded conservatives. That being said having more options is certainly preferable to going back to the past but that freedom of choice is producing more regret even as it is statistically small. 

I don't presume to have a clear cut solution given that much of the public still has trouble distinguishing between types of gender variance and their motivations (years after coming out I am still explaining nuances to my own family). However continuing education and having the young generations take over the reins will to be the only way out of where we are now.

We are not going back but going forward with caution..

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Where we are

Yesterday afternoon I had a call with Jack Molay where I conveyed some of my current concerns regarding the situation for transgender and al...