Monday, November 25, 2024

Cruelty is the point

Trumpism is about hatred and grievance which doesn't work so well when you need to govern. After all, when you are in the driver's seat you can only complain about yourself. 

And here lies the problem. 

The people chosen are all hateful and likely filled with unresolved childhood trauma they must now take out on society. Apparently it is also a prerequisite that you be accused of sexual misconduct or be a Russian asset to qualify for a cabinet post. 

Governing will be messy for the next four years and full of forehead slapping moments for many of us. But it is unavoidable because some people only learn through scalding themselves repeatedly. 

In the meantime, the American experiment will need to be remade or face further decline of empire. Those increasingly falling behind will need to be looked after despite many thinking that an incompetent fool and his minions was the answer.

The finger pointing among the coming leadership as well as massive incompetence will be unavoidable since the frustrated tend to eat their own young when all else fails.

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