Friday, November 1, 2024

Fully yourself

In general I am interested in the elements which help people become fully themselves. What is it which finally takes them over the edge or what aspects were contained in their psychology to begin with? 

I fall into the fatigue category which took me past a point of no return but it wasn't built in. I had to fight to get here once my disdain for feeling trapped took over. Of course I was fully programmed from birth to reject instinct.

Part of the answer lies in indoctrination where the looser the parenting style the more apt the child was to find their originality and dispel fear of standing out. There is also societal climate which cannot be ignored.

This morning I was talking to a young woman I know and asked her if she ever wore dresses. She told me she likes them but feared standing out in a crowd and so she dresses more to assimilate just a bit. Now in her early twenties, it makes perfect sense because our fortitude to buck the trend isn't quite fully formed. She tells me she loves being a girl and I encouraged she find the times to celebrate it.

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