Monday, November 4, 2024

One for the history books

When the history books finally summarize Trumpism it will be as a case study for why there is no cure for human stupidity, ignorance and callousness. Watching cowards supplicate themselves before a revolting imbecile has been turning my stomach for several years now. 

People who called Trump a fascist and unfit for office folded up their spines and later licked his boots with glee. In the process any remaining self-respect was jettisoned for expediency, avarice or some other malaise of weak character. 

You feel bad for people waiting in line at Trump rallies spouting social media gibberish and it has made me despair that we will continue to create people without any thinking skills to speak of. They will continue to fall victim to people who plot with Machievellian fervor to advance their own fortunes at their expense. 

While I am hopeful for a Harris victory, the root problems which currently exist on a global scale will take longer than the patience of people looking for saviors with quick answers will allow.

No simple cures.

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