Tuesday, December 17, 2024

A better alternative

Binary transsexuals represent a small subset among the world of gender variance. They are a person with a psycho-sexual inversion and generally must medically transition to find wellness. They belong to the grouping that Harry Benjamin would have described as a type VI on his scale and also tended to be androphilic (ie. man loving).

Below them there is a cluster of people with varying degrees of birth sex disconnect (dysphoria), general predisposition or simple curiosity towards practicing gender variance for their own motivations. 

One of the unfortunate things western culture did over the centuries was attach absolutes to birth sex such that comportment, interests, clothing and even traditional professions were tied it. This meant that people who had natural affinities towards stepping outside of prescribed lines, were not permitted to experiment. 

Today nothing is sacrosanct which is why the public gets confused with labels. They see people increasingly step outside boxes and don't know what to make of them. Many of these infringers don't even know what to call themselves which is why we now have a plethora of terms which, in the end, don't adequately capture anyone with any kind of precision. Not all necessarily feel they have a birth sex disconnect.

One of the reasons I ended up having so much disdain for the term "crossdresser" over time is that it pigeon holed people into a generally secretive sub-culture that increasingly no longer exists and has no reason to. 

In its place I find that the term "human being" to be a much better alternative.

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