Thursday, December 19, 2024

The same gospel

I was speaking with an ex-colleague who is a highly motivated right winger. I call him that because he has all the talking points down pat. He pays too much tax, he is skeptical of vaccines, he values individual freedom, etc. Apparently they all read from the same gospel. 

I find them predictable and tiresome and once again I found his argumentation devoid of historical context. It's always about what Biden or Trudeau did wrong versus what Trump and Pollievre will do right which ignores what happened over the last 40 years. 

The health of any society is measured by the state of the working class and not by how many millionaires exist within it. If people are working two jobs and living in their car this is a barometer that all is not well. But don't bother conservatives who tend to view the world myopically. It is about them first and the peasants can maybe get their scraps provided they show enough effort. 

These people fatigue me and I am often called upon to explain how miscalculations in globalization efforts under Neoliberal policies got us here all of which go back several decades. But they persist and tell me how Trump will fix things once in office. They think individualism and not collectivism which for them is akin to communism.

I tell him that within a year I will be able to say "I told you so" as Trump once again flounders repeatedly because (insert drum roll) he is an idiot.

Our own Canadian idiot is waiting in the wings.

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote about stupidity. A Polish-born Lutheran pastor who started life the turn of the 20th century and died in a German ...