Thursday, December 19, 2024

Don't bother me with facts

The gender critical movement is virtually devoid of expertise but what they do have in its place is plenty of hate which is supposed to be a stand in for knowledge. People like Helen Joyce, Kathleen Stock, JK Rowling and others hide behind an argument of protecting the public from a movement which, according to them, threatens to spread and infect civilized society like a wildfire.

If one had never met a transgender person one could deduce their existence using rudimentary logic by simply observing nature. Yes, intersex people are an undeniable reality which cannot be argued with and whose number match those born with red hair. But because those who question sex and gender show no obvious physical signs, it becomes a point of attack for the highly motivated and simple minded.

That a whopping 1% of the population would dare question birth sex seems like a bridge too far for these people. Never mind that a perfect and rigid binary would make less sense given the variability of humans and contrast against every other biological process on earth which all contain permutations. 

But please, don't bother these people with facts lest you perturb their discrimination. 

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