Sunday, December 22, 2024

Warts and all

Some gender variant people look down on their own kind because they don't measure up to a standard that they want to project. But here is the rub: gender variant people are a subset of humanity with the same flaws and strengths as the general population. In other words, we are as intelligent, dumb, reasonable, patient, kind or superficial in equal measure. 

I suspect this aggression is sourced in personal insecurity regarding being judged in comparison to the people they criticize. But they are are wasting their time expecting everyone to meet some standard other than hoping that they be good people themselves who always try to do right by others which is by far the best way to curry favor with the general population. 

One of the reasons I expanded my thinking regarding the term "community" is that I feel it should apply to society as a whole. 

Yes, warts and all.

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