Monday, January 6, 2025

Not owed but offered

I consider Angela the perfect example of someone who doesn't need to know my gender history. 

She works at The Bay jewelry department and we have overlapped here and there over the years only to have become increasingly friendly. She is 58.

This morning we had coffee on Avenue Mont Royal and it went splendidly. I know for a fact based on our discussions that she doesn't know I am transgender which would have zero impact on our rapport. 

I always ask myself: how would them knowing change anything? If the answer is nothing I let sleeping dogs lie particularly if our seeing each other will be infrequent. Still, I don't think Angela would judge me if she knew because she is sweet and kind and if she asked the question I would admit it. I am fairly certain she never will.

We don't owe people the information but we are free to offer it. After all, it's not like we are apologizing for existing.

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