Saturday, April 29, 2023


Pierrette is a vivacious woman in her mid 70's who used to work in aerospace. We met while I was having coffee at a public market and hit it off from the get go. She has vibrant intelligent eyes which are full of positivity and you can see in conversation how much she relishes life. I asked how well she had adjusted to her own retirement and the conversation just flowed from there.

I have never made a habit of telling people I am trans because it is not relevant. Hence I have no need to correct pronouns or explain my history. If they detect something they are welcome to ask and I will happily answer which removes a layer of worry that used to perturb me greatly. That shedding has reflected very positively on my demeanor. What this translates to is that I am very nice to people but my confidence, were it ever to be required, can also give off a vibe that says it might be unwise to perturb me.

We do not owe people information because we are not apologizing for existing and there are no laws being broken. Many trans people (in particular those who are older and not transitioned) have so much deeply buried stigma around the issue of gender that they almost feel they are committing some form of contravention. As a result their movements and facial expressions will betray them in public; something I was personally very familiar with in my youth.

Hence I will see Pierrette on some Friday which is her day to be there, and we will once again engage in conversation. 

Be who you are.

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