Monday, May 8, 2023

A bridge too far

Our sexual plumbing has very little to do with who we truly are, and yet it is an incidental trait which societies have historically disproportionately weighted. If we think about the limitations that people have suffered, we can see that it has been due to something which should have been far less consequential.

Power structures demanded strict gender roles and the biology inherent in birthing gave those structures weight. Suddenly there was a way to conveniently determine status within a society based on dogma around biology; this regardless of whether it was a correct method. The roles of protector and of nurturer were drawn around this binary regardless of the affinity of the person to fulfill the role. Yes there were general inclinations in people, but not everyone fit them and so they played a role to comply with expectation to avoid banishment.

Today as those mandated roles have been loosened, it has unnerved those who relied heavily on them; none more so than theocratic leaning conservatives who viewed this world order as divinely ordained. For them there can be no divergence from this model which is why they are so vocal that it not be undone. Women and minorities already taking up more room, it only exacerbated their discomfort when LGBTQ people also demanded rights which for them was a bridge too far.

The argumentation around biology is all that is left to conservatives because in its absence their case falls apart. Since there is enough behavioral divergence in people, you cannot defend your moral panic in any other way. They cannot easily be dissuaded since they operate on fear. Some can be converted with common sense and logic, but the rest must simply be drowned out by the greater numbers of those of us not afraid to progress.

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