Saturday, May 20, 2023


Theatricality in the trans world isn't new and I point to Philosophy Tube and Abigail Thorne's emulation of Natalie Wynn (aka contrapoints) as example of how sometimes it can even get a bit saccharin. I also happen to vehemently disagree with Abigail that dysphoria is an invented concept as I am skeptical a transition based solely on euphoria is a well founded one.

Maybe it's me, because resisting accepting being trans for so long, sometimes has me outright reject overly euphoric presentations of what transitioning can mean for people who aren't already well off and don't have the means to produce expensive YouTube videos.

For the majority of trans people life is generally complicated with loss of family connections and jobs more the norm than the exception. So while I am happy for people these days discovering themselves earlier in life, I don't think painting an overly rosy picture is the way to go. Admittedly not everyone in the public eye is like this and thank God for it because we need accurate portrayals of important decisions like this.

Caryn, who used to frequently comment on my old blog and transitioned in her mid twenties, recently texted me back in response to my query by saying "I've noticed younger trans people don't have to put much thought into their transitions, and can kind of dive in head first with everything available to them through medical insurance". 

She is ten years my junior and has had her own share of struggles thus, even our little trepidation risks playing into the hands of transphobes, there is a lot to be said for ramping down the rhetoric and being less theatrical.

Because being trans definitely ain't no picnic.

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