Monday, May 1, 2023


In the absence of laughter life would be immeasurably worse. The highs would be a little duller and the lows made darker and devoid of perspective.

Corinne is wearing a red clown nose when she walks into the cafe because she is a free spirit. Slender and maybe a young 40, she gives off a childlike exuberance that is infectious. Not everyone is made to tow the line of convention and this elementary school teacher definitely dances to her own beat. She shares details with me about a man she likes in her clown school class and I gleefully listen. I think she sees me as the older lady who has been through a few things in life.

We don't get guarantees but finding a chance to smile and find the humor in situations that normally don't invite it would be beneficial to our psyches. As someone who is learning that lesson later in life I can say that it markedly improves the disposition.

On a change of subject, I have recently found a color I really favor. I would call it eggplant :)

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