Tuesday, May 23, 2023

New Recruits

The next most obvious target for the right wing is disenfranchised young men who are prime for being indoctrinated. They are impressionable enough and can be filled with propaganda about women usurping their place in society by people like Jordan Peterson whose rise to fame can partly be traced to appearances on Joe Rogan. The latter, who is the everyman bro just asking questions, has a habit of favoring right wing guests like Peterson, Matt Walsh or Ben Shapiro who know they can spew their culture war grievance without much pushback. Rogan gives them a platform where they can spin their spin their web inside impressionable young minds.

This era of social media is perfect because everyone has their own megaphone and once you capture an audience you have them until they can be deprogramned which can take a while.

With the disgruntled white boomer aging rapidly, new recruits are required and these young men will do just fine.

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