Saturday, May 13, 2023

The love equation

None of us get the love equation just right because imperfection coupled with imperfection yields more imperfection still. Some who are together occasionally dream of greener pastures while others alone yearn to be held and consoled from their loneliness. The rest of us might cobble together formulas which can work through extended periods and then suddenly face crises which will test their resilience.

Love doesn't offer guarantees and those of us looking to have psychological holes filled may be in for disappointment. Because what love offers is a chance to help someone else through life while they return their own less than perfect version of companionship.

If I sound cynical, I am not and have simply developed a realistic stance on an institution which has historically had the most myth surrounding it. This might be because to understand the true stakes, would mean thinking and rethinking and finallly deciding to not enter such a great mystery for fear of failing and feeling all that searing anguish afterwards.

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