Friday, June 2, 2023

If it is possible...

If one looks at the Harry Benjamin scale it suggests exclusively expression on one end versus exclusively identity on the other. But where the problem lies is that human beings introduce too many variables and anomalies of behavior which defy simple categorization.

We try to understand behaviour by finding patterns of commonality and then look for possible origins but this field deals too much in the psychological which is not easily packaged up. It is why I am less interested today in scales and spectrums while still acknowledging they have some value especially at recognizing that there are extreme ends.

People like understanding why they are a certain way. They find it reassuring to be told they aren't alone and when one belongs to a misunderstood minority, it becomes all the more relevant. But as I have become less stigmatized by my own history over the years, I can sit back and more objectively observe that as humans we are so complex, that the combinatiom of input variables which constitute our identities are virtually infinite. Those variables include the genetic and the social likely mixed in wildly uneven proportions.

It is why I now think that if a particular combination is possible, it will happen and what society needs to do is stop being shocked and outraged by it; especially when these differences hurt no one else.

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