Tuesday, June 6, 2023

"The trans ideology"

There is no such thing as a "trans ideology" but the concept serves the knuckleheads on the right wing well because an ideology is something which can be espoused as a choice. To negate that there is any such thing would give plausibility to people being born that way and then making their subsequent decisions like transitions valid.

I am uncertain whether all right wing grifters know this but sell it anyway because they despise trans people. Regardless, the effect is the same and are the same dummies who used to think (and perhaps still do) that one chooses their sexual orientation on a whim.

The reality is that many if not most of us who are older and transgender would have chosen not to be that way just to avoid both the internal and external turmoil it brought into our lives.

Here, two of my favorite perenially unhappy cartoon characters on the right, are featured on Sam Seder's show extolling their ignorance on this very topic while not realizing they don't even agree with each other...

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