Sunday, July 16, 2023

Down the road

Authoritarians will tell you that fascism is freedom whereas democracy is tyranny. They do this by manipulating the masses and convincing them to think against their own interests by painting themselves as defenders of the lower classes.

The GOP has been highly successful at branding a party that basically panders to the aristocratic class through wedge issue propaganda by telling people the American way of life is under attack. Immigrants are out to get them as well as "woke" ideologies and they are scared into voting for a party that is cutting taxes for their wealthy benefactors and trying to eliminate social programs.

It would be amusing if it weren't so drastic how easily people can be manipulated into parroting talking points they are fed on FOX News over a virtually 24/7 cycle.

Most recently I am seeing advocates for theocracy talk about the American founders as religious men when they had in fact left England specifically to escape the tyranny of rule by right of kingship bolstered by clergy. Europe had been ruled this way for centuries and they wanted a different model.

Today we have made up information and we can now use technology to modify it. With the lack of critical thinking we have in society, it is a recipe for trouble down the road the likes of we have never seen.

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