Saturday, July 15, 2023


I often think that the people I have dated or been partnered with over my life (there haven't been many) were somehow saved. They were spared something they didn't need or want despite me showing them as hard as I could what I was sure they wanted to see; namely that I could play the conventional male.

I have written posts before talking about what a rock and a hard place this is. However, for some gender variant people, happy sporadic expression seems to work and so perhaps no harm no foul. For people like me and others this formula does not work and I say this as dispassionately as possible.

But as with family, you end up choosing you because that is the only real and valid recourse if you are to live an honest life; and it is precisely that honesty that they they were saved from.

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When their guard is down

Most people are kind.  It's when you talk to them openly and with a smile that you get to see the best of them when their guard is down....