Thursday, July 13, 2023

Low hanging fruit

Trans people are low hanging fruit for right wing extremists by virtue of their small number but also because the pushback from supposed allies can be so timid. I used to watch the YouTube channel TYT but unsubscribed recently over their stance regarding, what they feel, is the militancy of trans advocates. This would be fine were it an important election issue but polling shows it's not on the radar of even most conservative voters. They are far more concerned over economic issues and even reproductive rights.

Asking a tiny sliver of the population to be quiet and help get moderates elected feels disingenous and a slap on the face for a group that regularly faces violence, high rates of suicide, rejection by families and an onslaught of legislation trying to wipe them from existence.

The proper stance would be to support a very marginalized group and their very basic demands and maybe quash the hysteria rather than asking they moderate their tone. Bill Maher used to call trans rights a "boutique issue" which I found reprehensible and it looks like TYT are going down much the same rabbit hole.

Predictably the pushback has been fast and furious among others in progressive media (thankfully elder statesman Sam Seder included) which was both expected and completely justifiable.

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